Romantic Proposal Ideas For A Leap Year

Author: Nikki Barnett   Date Posted:28 February 2020 

Ladies, Are Your Going To Propose This Leap Year?


Well, ladies, are you already thinking about romantic proposal ideas? Candlelight, romantic dinner, or maybe even a romantic gift hamper.


We all know that it's the 21st century and us ladies can propose any time we want, but the long-time tradition of proposing in a leap year does add an extra edge of romance to the event. In this blog, let's look at the origins of leap year proposals. Following up with romantic leap year proposal ideas to tell your grandkids!


Where Does This Tradition Come From?


According to Irish folklore on the 366th day of the year, a woman could turn tradition upside down and propose to a man. This came about in the 5th century when St Brigid of Kildare complained to St Patrick that men were taking far too long to propose. In response to that, it's said St Patrick decreed that women could propose on the 29th February, meaning the four-yearly leap year.


The idea is said to have spread to Scotland by Irish monks. Where in 1288, Queen Margaret of Scotland passed a law that allowed a woman to propose marriage to the man of their dreams, but only if she wore a red petticoat when doing so. Warned by the colour of her petticoats, the man would either have to accept or decline the proposal. Pay a fine for a refusal, usually a gift of gloves or clothing.


Some countries, however, do not hold with the Leap Year proposal, considering it bad luck, Greeks and Italians will often wait until the leap year is over before proposing to their significant others.


Thoughts For Considerations


Is it the right time?


Contrary to the expectations in films, people, in general, tend to propose when they already know the answer. Kevin Darné, author of My Cat Won't Bark (A Relationship Epiphany) states "Generally speaking, most couples have already had casual discussions around getting married and building a future together prior to a proposal. It's not about if but rather when they will get married. You shouldn't be in a position where you're nervous, sweating bullets, and praying the person who is in love with you wants to marry you."


Get Married For The Right Reasons


A marriage proposal should be initiated by love and not circumstances or fear your mate is losing interest in your relationships. A proposal, however romantic at the time, is not the basis to commit to a loveless marriage.


Don't Over Complicate Things


There is not a right or a wrong way to propose, but it does not have to be an Instagram moment. An intimate, private and personal proposal while sharing a joint activity or just having time together can be the most suitable time. The fun with family and friends can happen at the engagement announcement or party!


Creative, Authentic & Romantic Proposal Ideas


The best idea for a proposal is to choose a setting that means something to both of you. So, if you rock climb together, propose at the top of your favourite climb. Like to jog, swim, hike etc. do so at your favourite spot for those activities. For those who want to pick out a memorable place here are a few you might want to consider.


Where To' Pop The Question' In Australia


Wherever you decide to conduct your proposal, be sure the time is right for you both and you have discussed the idea of marriage. Your partner may be happy with the status quo and not considered marriage, and or like many men want to be a certain point in his life before committing to marriage. Trying to push this agenda sooner ofter gets a 'Yes, one-day' answer. To those that are ready here a place to consider for your romantic proposal.


The Melbourne Star - 30 mins of fabulous panoramic views Port Phillip Bay, Mount Macedon, and the Dandenong Ranges while the observation wheel turns round is plenty of time to make your proposal and take in some unforgettable scenery. Sunset is a particularly glittering time.


Uluru - this magnificent rock has been the star background for many an atmospheric, romantic proposal, the history and grandeur ensuring an unforgettable proposal.


Barossa Valley - an early morning balloon ride, over the valleys and vineyards along with a gourmet romantic gift hamper and the scene is set for a fantastic romantic proposal.


Cradle Mountain - the beautiful rugged scenery at any of these destinations; reflective Dove Lake, the Overland Track or Lake St Clair, is spot-on for outdoor types, and an excellent place for a proposal, with miles of quiet, private areas to choose from.


Mitchel Falls - there is something special about a waterfall, the majesty, the grandeur and the noise. Although you want to make sure the water is not drowning our your words! Niagra or Victoria falls may be a bit far to travel, but there are some magnificent falls all over Australia to choose from.


Again, this is another lovely place to arrange a picnic before you surprise your partner with the proposal. Take along one of our romantic gift hampers to help set the scene, like our Moët & Gourmet Nibbles Hamper. Packed with artisan Australian treats and the finest delicacies from around the world to set the stage for your important question. Plus, of course, a bottle of bubbly to pop when the proposal is accepted.


The Twelve Apostles - if a beach is an important place for you both, then this one would suit perfectly. The unique pastel sunrise is probable the best time for you to ask your significant other, 'will you marry me?'


Sydney Harbour - they say 'a faint heart never won a fair lady' what about a man? Is your mate adventurous? Not afraid of heights? Then how about climbing the Sydney Harbour bridge? Definitely an adrenaline-pumping proposal. Talk to the Bridgeclimb team to get it organised.


A Stay At Home Proposal


No-where is more comfortable than your own home, especially if you are stepping outside your comfort zone with the proposal, or your mate is not one for the great outdoor or over the top events. Plus, you can ensure it will be private, intimate and not cost the earth. Big gestures are all well and good if you have the funds for it, but for many, the engagement ring and the wedding costs determine how much you can splash out on the proposal.


Set the scene with candles, favourite music in the background, littlies, if any, sent to friends or grandparents, so just you and them. One of our romantic gourmet hampers would fit right into this scenario, maybe one that involves wine and chocolate? Thinking here about the Cape Mentelle Trinders & Chocolates or if bubbly a requirement then our Chandon with Australian Chocolates & Nuts, both would fit a leap year proposal perfectly.


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