Why It’s Important To Toast In The New Year With Colleagues

Author: Nikki Barnett   Date Posted:1 January 2020 

New Year Hampers Are The Perfect Corporate Treat!


For most of us, the festivities and fun are sadly over, and a return to work is imminent. To stop those awful January blues setting in and to engage workmates, it makes sense to continue the celebrations for a while longer. We always do at The Hamper Emporium!

If you have the opportunity to see in the New Year with your workmates, we highly recommend it! You could order in one of our fabulous gourmet New Year gift hampersand toast the upcoming projects and challenges together. It will raise everyone’s spirits and recharge flagging motivation, leaving behind the pressures of last year.

If seeing in the new year together isn't a possibility, you certainly won’t be struggling for an excuse later in January either - who doesn't love a chance to gather together and celebrate!


10 Fun Excuses To Order New Year Gift Hampers In January


Aside from welcoming in the New Year, there are lots of fun excuses to start the new year with fun and joy in any workplace. Search the Internet, and you will find a quirky celebration or a ‘bizarre day’ for every date in the month. There’s no better reason to open New Year gift hampers and have some team fun!

Why not try one of the ideas we found or search some even wackier ones?
  • January 2 - Buffet Day
  • January 4 - Trivia Day
  • January 8 - Man Watchers Day
  • January 11 - Hot Toddy Day
  • January 14 - Clean Off Your Desk Day
  • January 18 - National Thesaurus Day
  • January 21 - Hugging Day
  • January 24 - Beer Can Appreciation Day
  • January 27 - Chocolate Cake Day
  • January 31 - Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day


A New Year Means Everyone Needs Re-engaging

We all enjoy the festive season, but as well as spreading peace and joy, it can also be filled with stress and frustrations. All the deadlines and social events can mean that a return to work sees us easily distracted and longing for a real holiday!

It’s essential to remotivate and refocus staff so that everyone reaps the benefits. Knowing your boss or colleagues care about you is proven to ensure you make that extra effort. Those New Year gift hampers will not go unnoticed! Not only that, but staff are more likely to stay put intheir job for the next 12 months when they feel appreciated, so let's spread some love!

Engaging staff will lead to improved performance and energy, propelling any business into the New Year with enthusiasm. Injecting fun and a spark of motivation will keep everyone working together to achieve the goals and targets of the coming year. Whether you're the boss or just part of the team, having a motivated and engaged group of colleagues makes everyone's job easier.

Here are some ideas from us (including gorgeous pamper gifts and New Year gift hampers!) to set the ball rolling in 2020! 


5 Crucial Ways To Engage Your Team

When choosing the best ways to ease staff back into work, try to identify things that will not only energise them but add value. Your ideas don’t always have to cost money, but they should be interactive and effective. Above all, understand how your staff tick and remember, it’s the thought that counts!

  1. Enter 2020 With A Wow Factor!

    Carrying on the festive feeling at work lets staff relax and also rewards them for the hard graft last year. Celebrating 2020 with New Year gift hampers together sets the tone and company culture. Then it’s easy to focus that added energy and drive it forward with other celebrations planned throughout the coming year.

    Having fun in the workplace breaks up the humdrum routine and makes activities much more engaging. It’s a great way to build teams and find ways to interact naturally with workmates. Always celebrating holidays, birthdays and crazy traditions will show you care and produce results!

  2. Have Fun Meetings & Team Awards

    Regular weekly meetings are inclusive and encourage staff to share and provide feedback. Positive experiences are a big factor in inspiring and motivating teams and producing improved efficiencies. Make meetings extra special in January with New Year gift hampers, sumptuous chocolate gifts, themes or competitions. 

    If you haven’t done so already, start an ‘employee-of-the-week’ scheme and always reward teamwork or an excellent outcome. Recognition is important to everyone and having a team awards ceremony puts a lively, competitive spin on it. It’s the ideal way to motivate employees to continue their hard work or take on a new challenge. 

  3. Embrace, Engage & Empower

    Embracing your team’s positive qualities and best attributes will lead to empowerment. Everyone has individual qualities and recognising these builds mutual trust. Showing your confidence means staff will feel increasingly appreciated and engaged. When you allow autonomous work and decision making, there is the added bonus of performance responsibility transferring to the team. 

    Creative ideas that work produces job satisfaction, motivation and positive feelings. If they don’t always get it right, they will have a much greater interest in problem-solving and creating processes that do work. Allowing them to work freely makes a statement about the company culture. Let them take responsibility and reward them with New Year gift hampers when they get it right!

  4. Strengthen Staff Education

    No manager likes the thought of staff moving on to another company or successful teams breaking up. It’s an ongoing risk in any business. You may well have decided that there is not much point in training, keeping it to a minimum. However, investment in this area is never wasted, and the right attitude is one of boosting and strengthening education.

    Upskilling your staff is never a costly mistake, even if employees do sometimes leave. It has a lasting effect, empowers staff, and contributes to great company culture. Designed to increase engagement, you will give staff much more than new skills. You are demonstrating you value their personal development, and the overall result will create energised, dynamic and happy workers.

  5. Celebrate Your Success Together

    Many managers or companies are extremely successful, but all too often they forget to celebrate this with their teams. Arguably, the workforce are the very people who complete much of the work. They are also instrumental in producing a great project, winning new orders or reaching targets and budgets. 

    So, always celebrate your successes with the staff that shared in your goal. If your company wins an award, or individual achievements shine through, it’s an excellent reason for praise. Even something simple like ordering corporate New Year gift hampers recognises those jobs well done and shows everyone just how much they are appreciated.


Engagement Is Productive Not Costly


Engaging employees can cost you sometimes, but it is money well spent. If you do it correctly, you will reap the rewards in multiple ways, including higher profits. Staff who feel involved and empowered are engaged and committed. Happy staff means happy customers!

In 2020, make the New Year celebrations time for resolutions. Make it time for fully engaging staff. That means sharing New Year gift hampers, enjoying team building activities and investing in them in many other ways too. Show them you care about individual development and a fun work atmosphere and you will be repaid with much more than renewed energy!\

Happy New Year 2020 From The Hamper Emporium!

We want to send festive thanks for helping 2019 to be an enjoyable and successful year!  Ready to face new challenges this year, we are already full of energy and optimism. Creating ideas for New Year gift hampers to help you engage and retain your employees is doing what we love.

Check out our full range of impressive hampers today and watch it as it grows in 2020!

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